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Finding ways to help pay for college costs may be one of the most critical tasks set before Indian students. Fortunately, there are any number of avenues – like international student scholarships – available to students to help pay off these costs, so that attending American universities is not only possible, but is also kind to bank accounts.

Applying for International Student Scholarships and Grants

The first step to coming to any college in the U.S.A. is obviously to apply and be accepted. You should be thinking about grants and international student scholarships throughout the application process, however, and you should be searching and submitting applications for scholarships and grants a year prior to the start of the academic period during which you’d need them, if at all possible.

Talk to Your University About an International Student Scholarship

One of the best ways to find a good financial aid opportunity is simply to get in touch with the financial aid department at the university or college you’ll be attending. The financial aid department at your school will likely be able to direct you to international student scholarships or grant opportunities that are particularly well suited for you, and in fact may even be able to extend an opportunity directly from the college or university.

Some colleges and universities have programs or aid options that are specifically oriented towards helping international students pay tuition costs; hearing about them firsthand from the colleges and universities themselves is the best way to get started.

Use Search Tools for International Student Scholarships

For graduate students looking for fellowships, international student scholarships, and other sources of funding for study in the U.S.A., a very good source is the USIEF website. This website has information regarding many fellowship opportunities and international student scholarships for graduate students in particular, as well as for teachers or lecturers.

The International Student Organization website has a list of international student scholarships and grants which may be of great use to students from India. Many of these international student scholarship and grant opportunities are specifically intended for students planning on studying specific subjects, and thus may sometimes be more suited for graduate students than for undergraduates, however.