Avg. Amount Awarded
January 15 2025
Application Deadline
Apply Now
What you'll need:
  • Checkmark Other - Description of proposed research project (no longer than six double-spaced sides). One page bibliography of relevant secondary literature. List of other funding sources for project.
  • Checkmark Application Form
  • Checkmark Recommendations Or References
  • Checkmark Resume
Apply Now
AAS-National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships


NEH fellowships are for persons who have already completed their formal professional training. Degree candidates and persons seeking support for work in pursuit of a degree may not hold AAS-NEH fellowships. Candidates for advanced degrees must have completed all requirements, except for the actual conferral of the degree, by the application deadline for the fellowship. This includes the dissertation defense. Foreign nationals who have been residents in the United States for at least three years immediately preceding the application deadline for the fellowship are eligible. Mid-career scholars are encouraged to apply.

Amount Details

Low Amount Awarded

Eligibility Requirements

  • CheckmarkMust not be attending high school currently
  • CheckmarkRestricted to students studying Humanities

How to Apply

What you'll need:

  • Checkmark Other - Description of proposed research project (no longer than six double-spaced sides). One page bibliography of relevant secondary literature. List of other funding sources for project.
  • Checkmark Application Form
  • Checkmark Recommendations Or References
  • Checkmark Resume
For more info, please visit our site
Contact Nan Wolverton
Director of Fellowships
Tel: 508-755-5221 Address 185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609-1634