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Packing for college can be overwhelming. To help get you prepared for your freshman year, we’ve compiled a list of must-have items for starting school. 

For your bed

1. Mattress topper – Improve your night’s sleep with an added layer for comfort. 

2. The right size sheets – Not just any pair of sheets will fit a dorm room mattress. You’ll likely need either size twin or twin XL sheets.

3. Under the bed storage – Space is limited in a dorm room. Invest in a few storage bins to combat clutter.

For studying

4. Extra-long charging cables – The power outlets may not be located in the most convenient place, so having a few extra feet of flexibility can come in handy. 

5. Noise-cancelling headphones – Block out the sounds of your roommate’s tv or music when you need to focus on homework.

For your closet

6. Over the door hooks – Create more space in your closet by hanging your jacket or favorite hoodie on the back of the door.

7. Clothes steamer – No need to fuss with an iron – a portable steamer will smooth wrinkles in a matter of minutes.

8. Stain remover sticks – Accidents happen! Pretreat stains before they set in.

Other Must-Haves

9. Command strips – Personalize your space without damaging walls or furniture.

10. First-aid kit – Make sure you pack band-aids, ibuprofen, antacids, etc.


Looking for more advice on Freshman year? Check out our blog post on Nutrition Tips for Freshman at Colleges and Universities.
