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You have a big exam coming up and you’re feeling anxious about getting the highest score possible. You’ve signed up for Peterson’s test prep to help tackle studying for your exam, but aren’t sure where to begin. 

Here are nine tips for getting the most out of your test prep course and eliminating stress on test day:

  1. Manage your time effectively by creating a study plan. Begin your plan weeks to months before the exam and include regular study sessions and time for breaks.
  2. Eliminate distractions such as the TV and cell phone and find a quiet place to study.
  3. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of study materials and give you the feeling of wanting to tackle them all at once. Divide the overall content into separate study sessions and group it by topic. 
  4. Take diagnostic tests to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses on each of the exam topics. Plan to spend more time to master areas where you need improvement.
  5. Work through each of the lessons in your course, even those where you’re confident as this will help familiarize yourself with all of the content covered on the exam.
  6. Take notes and practice other active studying techniques such as using flashcards, visually mapping or diagramming information, and utilizing mnemonic devices.
  7. Pause periodically to assess your understanding of lessons using metacognitive tasks, such as planning, evaluating, and reviewing the material. Ask yourself “What do I still need to work on, and how can I guarantee that I’m prepared?”
  8. After you have completed all of the study sections, take the practice tests. You should be able to correctly answer more questions than you could during the diagnostic test you took in the beginning of your study plan. Taking practice tests simulates the actual test-taking experience since they are timed, and gives you an idea of how you would perform on the exam if you were to take it today.
  9. Review the explanations for any questions you got wrong. That’s your opportunity to focus on the concepts where you may still need improvement. Then take either the post assessment test or practice tests again to ensure you understand all of the material covered on the exam and will be well prepared for it.

Now that you know how to prepare for an exam, it’s time to get started! Peterson’s offers over 185+ test prep offerings, including pre-college, military, college, grad school, military, high school equivalency, career, and more. Our test prep courses encompass several effective learning tools including practice tests, interactive lessons, instructional videos, flashcards, and more. Discover how Peterson’s can help you ace your exam!
