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Peterson’s recently added the CLEP College Composition Modular course to its expansive list of test prep offerings. Taking a CLEP exam saves you time and money by helping you earn college credit.

What’s on the exam

The content included on the CLEP College Composition Modular exam is similar to CLEP College Composition, with an emphasis on research and reference skills, fundamental principles of rhetoric and composition, and the ability to apply the principles of Standard Written English. Here are the main differences between the two exams:

Exam Number of Questions Test Time Written Essay Requirement
CLEP College Composition Modular 90 95 minutes Not required
CLEP College Composition  50 120 minutes Two written essays required

The CLEP College Composition Modular exam consists of 90 multiple-choice questions to be answered in 95 minutes. Some pretest multiple-choice questions won’t be counted toward your score.

Knowledge and skills required

If you are planning to take the CLEP College Composition Modular exam, you will want to brush up on your skills related to analysis, argumentation, synthesis, usage, ability to recognize logical development, and research. Here is a breakdown of content and the weight of each section on the exam:

  1. Conventions of Standard Written English (10%): This section assesses your perception of logical, structural, and grammatical relationships within sentences. Familiarize yourself with syntax, modifiers, active vs. passive voice, and punctuation.
  2. Revision Skills, Including Sentence-Level Skills (40%): This section evaluates your ability to make revisions to early drafts of essays. Review your awareness of audience, tone, and purpose; sentence structure; transitions; ability to identify the main idea, thesis statements, and topic sentences.
  3. Ability to Use Source Materials (25%): This section measures your basic reference and research skills. Passage-based questions will evaluate your ability to use reference materials, evaluate sources, integrate resource materials, and document sources.
  4. Rhetorical Analysis (25%): This section gauges your ability to analyze writing which will be tested mainly in passage-based questions related to critical thinking, style, purpose, audience, and situation. 

Sample Test Questions

Test your skills by answering the following CLEP College Composition Modular practice questions. Scroll down for the answers.

  1. Read through the sentence and identify the error, if any.
    Although Tanya trained (A) hard for her upcoming race, she also (B) took plenty of time to rest, (C) remembering that if you don’t get enough rest, (D) she might risk serious injury. (E) No error.

  2. Read the definition and answer the question below it.
    ease (noun)

    1. the state of being comfortable as a. being free of discomfort or pain b. being free of labor or difficulty c. freedom from constraint, care, or embarrassment (The speaker had a natural ease of manner in front of the crowd.)
    2. Aptitude, effortlessness (she walked the tightrope with ease)
    3. relief from worry, discomfort, or obligation
    4. act or state of being eased. [Middle English ese, from Anglo-French eise, aise comfort, convenience, ultimately from Latin adjacent, or adjacens neighboring.]

    Which of the following statements is NOT supported by the definition above?

    A. The word ease can mean “being free of difficulty.”
    B. Ease has roots in Middle English and Latin.
    C. The word adjacens was used in Anglo-French.
    D. Ease can be used to describe a person’s state of being.
    E. The word ease may have been related to the word adjacent.
  3. Read through the sentence and identify the error, if any.
    (A) As he raced (B) to work to make it to the big meeting on time, Arthur (C) realized that he (D) forgotten his briefcase at home. (E) No error.

Preparing for the exam

Peterson’s CLEP College Composition test prep will help you achieve your best score possible. Access nine instructional videos, one CLEP practice test, essay writing lessons, and flashcards to test your knowledge of college composition terms. Our CLEP study guide shows you how to best prepare for the exam and take the CLEP exam with confidence.

Answers to sample questions

    1. The correct answer is D. The sentence shifts from the second-person pronoun you to the third-person pronoun she. To be grammatically correct, she should be replaced with you.
    2. The correct answer is C. The word adjacens was used in Latin, rather than Anglo-French. Choices A and D are incorrect because the dictionary entry lists those definitions. Choice B is incorrect because the entry lists Middle English and Latin as roots of the word. Choice E is incorrect because the entry says the word adjacent may be a root of the word ease.
    3. The correct answer is D. The verb forgotten requires the helping verb had to be grammatically correct.

RELATED: 6 Tips to Help You Ace Your CLEP Exam

Check out our CLEP test prep page to learn more about CLEP exams and how to prepare for them with Peterson’s test prep.
