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On this week’s episode

  • On this week’s episode of You Have a Cool Job, our podcast guest works with computer hacking, but don’t worry, he isn’t the bad guy. Mike Harris is a consultant who finds weaknesses in a company by attempting to hack the system as a hacker would. In other words, he’s an ethical hacker. But Mike’s job title is fluid, as he explains that he is a sort of jack of all trades when it comes to the computer security field.
  • Mike explains while he has chosen breadth in his career, while others may choose depth. He talks about the ways his job has and hasn’t changed with all the attention given to hacking and cybersecurity in recent years.
  • Mike also shares how he got into the ethical hacker field, and talks about the classes he teaches. He explains that the field he’s in creates a social setting for people who are interested in computer security.

About the show

You Have a Cool Job is a podcast hosted by Taylor Sienkiewicz from Peterson’s. The show highlights professionals who have a unique, interesting, uncommon, or otherwise cool job.

Our goal is to motivate you and show how interesting, fulfilling, and anything-but-average your career can be, and we’ll do this by talking with people who took a path less traveled. We ask these fascinating individuals how they got to where they are in their career based on their education, experience, and influences; why they love their job; and lots more.

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Learn more about Mike’s work here.

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Photo from the Rocky Mountain Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition, where Mike volunteers.
Photo from the Rocky Mountain Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition, where Mike volunteers.