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4-Year School

Prairie College

Three Hills, AB

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Prairie College is a 4-year institution located in Three Hills, AB, in a small town setting.

Location & Contact

Address 350 5th Avenue, NE
Box 4000
Three Hills, AB  T0M 2N0
Contact Phone: 403-443-5511

Majors & Degrees

Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Associate Bachelors
Intercultural/multicultural And Diversity Studies Checkmark
Philosophy And Religious Studies Associate Bachelors
Religion/religious Studies Checkmark
Theology And Religious Vocations Associate Bachelors
Bible/biblical Studies Checkmark Checkmark
Divinity/ministry Checkmark Checkmark
Pastoral Counseling And Specialized Ministries, Other Checkmark
Pastoral Studies/counseling Checkmark
Theological And Ministerial Studies, Other Checkmark
Theology And Religious Vocations, Other Checkmark
Theology/theological Studies Checkmark
Youth Ministry Checkmark Checkmark
Transportation And Materials Moving Associate Bachelors
Aviation/airway Management And Operations Checkmark

Tuition & Fees

Money icon


Fees icon


Full-time student fees
Room & board
Room only

Campus Life


College-owned housing Yes
Housing requirements Yes
Housing options Men-only housing
Women-only housing
% of undergrad students who live in college housing Not Reported

Student Activities

Student-run campus newspaper Checkmark
Drama/theatre group Checkmark
Student-run radio station Checkmark
Student-run television station Checkmark
Marching band Checkmark
Choral groups Checkmark

Student Services

Legal services Checkmark
Health clinic Checkmark
Personal/psychological counseling Checkmark
Women's center Checkmark
International students advisor Checkmark

Student Organizations

Greek fraternities
Greek sororities
Local fraternities
Local sororities

Campus Security & Safety

24-hour emergency telephone/alarm services Checkmark
24-hour patrols by trained officers Checkmark
Student patrols Checkmark
Late-night transport/escort services Checkmark
Electronically-operated dormitory entrances Checkmark
Prairie College