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As the concept of “sustainability” grows in popularity throughout the world, an ever-increasing number of environmental jobs emerge. Sustainability will continue to be a burgeoning industry with great career potential as resources and energy become more scarce and expensive. A degree in the field is often required for these green jobs, but for now, while this growing industry works hard to integrate the environment, the economy, and the social system into a healthy, viable whole, workers with related degrees are sometimes accepted into environmental careers.

Green jobs often appeal to those laid-off from dying industries, but people of any age, economic status, or previous training who retrain for environmental jobs are making a smart move. In fact, jobs in a wide variety of industries are so related to sustainability jobs that many workers have little trouble switching over to those parallel green careers. Sustainability coincides with such industries as computer networking and system technology, communications, energy, environmental management, architecture, engineering, planning, design, construction, media, marketing, parks and recreation, horticulture, agriculture, hospitality, travel and tourism, transportation, and more!

Environmental Careers

Whether they are called green jobs, sustainability jobs, or environmental jobs, the number of open positions within the sustainability field grows every day.  From engineer and analyst to manager and designer, existing and emerging careers in sustainable development cover a broad spectrum. The list of these positions includes:

Construction Project Manager: A project manager oversees all aspects of a construction project, including budget, design approval, and project plan implementation. The construction project manager makes sure the finished facility meets sustainability requirements.

Sustainability Analyst: Working in a variety of industries, the sustainability analyst reviews projects, procedures, and policies to see if they meet sustainable standards. If the standards are not met, the analyst recommends ways to make improvements.

Sustainable Design Professional: Using architectural and engineering expertise, the sustainable design professional designs and implements blueprints to make a building sustainable.

Energy Efficiency Analyst: An energy efficiency analyst can be employed by businesses, organizations or individuals to determine the current energy efficiency of a project or building and then recommend ways for improvement.

Operations Manager: An operations manager instills sustainable practices into their business or industry. They are hired to make operations run more efficiently in both productivity and energy consumption.

Websites for Environmental Careers

Green careers will continue to become more prevalent. You should look for a career that is of interest, and then seek out a sustainability education that helps you meet that career’s requirements. The chances are good that you can find a rewarding, lucrative career that will be beneficial now and for generations to come. Use the following websites to sort through the growing list of career possibilities:
