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If you are a teacher and would like to advance in your career or are a working professional who wants to transition to a career in education, pursing a graduate degree in education will help to set you up for greater earning potential.

For those who are switching careers, a master’s degree in teaching can allow graduates to work in elementary education, middle school education, special education, or higher education depending on the specialization pursued.

If you already have a bachelor’s degree in education and would prefer to enter into a master’s, Ed.D., or Ph.D. program, you can choose to study areas such as educational leadership, curriculum design, and instructional technology, which will enable you to work in either academic or administrative roles, as well as research and teaching positions in higher education.

Search for a Graduate Degree in Education

When looking for specific graduate programs in education, make sure to inquire about the degree specializations and majors that will enable you to advance in the area of your choice. Finding out about internships, externships, and student-teaching opportunities will be a must for those who need extra experience in the field.

If taking the time to travel to and from class is giving you reason for concern, consider an online graduate degree in education. Colleges and universities understand that prospective students are working professionals and parents living busy lives with little or no time for advancement in education. However, with advanced mobile technology and fully online programs with short residencies, you will be able to fit achieving an online master’s degree in education or an Ed.D or Ph.D. into your schedule.

Looking for a Program that Offers a Graduate Degree Online?

Search These Specific Terms to Find Graduate Programs in Education:
