Avg. Amount Awarded
December 1 2024
Application Deadline
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What you'll need:
  • Checkmark Other - Research proposal, Dissertation project timeline, Budget
  • Checkmark Application Form
  • Checkmark Recommendations Or References
  • Checkmark Resume
  • Checkmark Transcript
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American Educational Research Association Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research


AERA established the AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research to enhance the racial and ethnic diversity of faculty, scholars, and researchers who study topics in education research. This fellowship is targeted for outstanding members of racial and ethnic groups historically underrepresented in higher education. Applicants can come from graduate programs and departments in education research, the humanities, or social or behavioral science disciplinary or interdisciplinary fields, such as economics, history, political science, psychology, public policy, or sociology. Two letters of recommendation are required. Please visit the scholarship's website for more information.

Amount Details

Low Amount Awarded

Eligibility Requirements

  • CheckmarkMust be a graduate student
  • CheckmarkMust attend a university
  • CheckmarkRestricted by race for Black, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander or American Indian/Alaska Native students
  • CheckmarkMust not be attending high school currently
  • CheckmarkMust study full-time
  • CheckmarkRestricted to students studying Economics, Education, History, Humanities, Psychology, Political Science, Public Policy and Administration, Social Sciences
  • CheckmarkRestricted by ethnic heritage: Latin American/Caribbean, African

How to Apply

What you'll need:

  • Checkmark Other - Research proposal, Dissertation project timeline, Budget
  • Checkmark Application Form
  • Checkmark Recommendations Or References
  • Checkmark Resume
  • Checkmark Transcript
For more info, please visit our site
Tel: 202-238-3200
Fax: 202-238-3250 Address 1430 K Street, NW
Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20005