Avg. Amount Awarded
November 9 2025
Application Deadline
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What you'll need:
  • Checkmark Other - Applicant's Biosketch, Applicant's Career Plan, Budget Justification, Institutional Plan by the Mentor, List of the mentors' previous trainees, Mentor's Biosketch, Proposal Agreement Form, Research Project Abstract, Research Project Description, DEI Statement, Letter of Intent, Research Proposal, Letters of support, Letters from collaborators
  • Checkmark Application Form
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AUA Foundation Research Scholar Awards


The AUA Foundation Research Scholar Awards, a premier funding opportunity, provides funding for one- and two-year mentored training for: (A) Clinical and postdoctoral fellows who are no more than five years beyond completing a doctorate or residency; and (B) Early career investigators who are in the first five years after beginning a faculty position. Urology physician scientists (MD or equivalent degree) and researchers (PhD or equivalent degree) are invited to apply. Former recipients of a Research Scholar Award may not apply for a subsequent Research Scholar Award. If the research is being conducted in the United States, applicants are not required to be U.S. citizens but must have valid Social Security numbers for Internal Revenue Service purposes. All applicants who are not AUA members at the time of proposal must apply for AUA membership if selected to receive a Research Scholar Award. Each applicant must have a primary mentor for the proposed research project. The proposal must be prepared by the applicant under the supervision and guidance of, but with minimal assistance provided by, the mentor(s). To be eligible as a host institution, the institution must reside within the boundaries of the AUA Sections and provide appropriate laboratory or medical facilities. While applicants may propose any type of research on any urologic disease or condition, the Urology Care Foundation encourages consideration of key gaps in research that have been identified in the AUA clinical guidelines and, if addressed, could ultimately have a significant impact on improving urology patient care. Research projects addressing factors relevant to the understanding and promotion of minority health and to the understanding and reduction of health disparities are encouraged to apply. Letters of Intent are due on November 9, 2023; and proposals are due on December 14, 2023. Please visit the award's website or contact the American Foundation for Urologic Disease Inc. for more information about the award and the required materials.

Amount Details

Low Amount Awarded

Eligibility Requirements

  • CheckmarkMust be a postgraduate student
  • CheckmarkMust not be attending high school currently
  • CheckmarkRestricted to students studying Health and Medical Sciences

How to Apply

What you'll need:

  • Checkmark Other - Applicant's Biosketch, Applicant's Career Plan, Budget Justification, Institutional Plan by the Mentor, List of the mentors' previous trainees, Mentor's Biosketch, Proposal Agreement Form, Research Project Abstract, Research Project Description, DEI Statement, Letter of Intent, Research Proposal, Letters of support, Letters from collaborators
  • Checkmark Application Form
For more info, please visit our site
Tel: 410-689-3700
Fax: 410-689-3800 Address 1000 Corporate Boulevard
Linthicum, MD 21090