Avg. Amount Awarded
December 3 2024
Application Deadline
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What you'll need:
  • Checkmark Application Form
  • Checkmark Financial Need Analysis
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First Generation Matching Grant Award


The applicants for the First Generation Matching Grant Award must not have received a baccalaureate degree. Applicants must not have defaulted on or owe a refund to any previous aid program. Applicants must be a Florida Resident and U.S Citizen or eligible Non-Citizen. The criteria for awarding the Scholarship will be consistent with the guidelines established by the University of Student Financial Assistance.

Eligibility Requirements

  • CheckmarkMust be an undergraduate student
  • CheckmarkMust attend a university
  • CheckmarkMust not be attending high school currently
  • CheckmarkBoth full-time and part-time students
  • CheckmarkRestricted to residents of Florida
  • CheckmarkRestricted to students studying in Florida

How to Apply

What you'll need:

  • Checkmark Application Form
  • Checkmark Financial Need Analysis
For more info, please visit our site