Avg. Amount Awarded
September 15 2024
Application Deadline
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What you'll need:
  • Checkmark Other - Project Statement; Reference List; Syllabi
  • Checkmark Application Form
  • Checkmark Essay
  • Checkmark Recommendations Or References
  • Checkmark Resume
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Fulbright-Palacky University Distinguished Scholar


The Distinguished Scholar will teach a maximum of two courses (maximum three hours) a week at advanced undergraduate and graduate levels at Palacky University; consult on curriculum development and discuss topics of specialization with faculty; and participate in research cooperation. The award is open to all the fields offered at the Palacky University. Senior Scholars with at least seven years relevant experience are sought. A letter of invitation is preferred. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Czech Fulbright Commission to explore possibilities of affiliation if needed. An allowance of $6,000 per month and an estimated travel and relocation allowance of $1,800 will be given to the recipient. Please visit the award's website for more information.

Amount Details

Low Amount Awarded

Eligibility Requirements

How to Apply

What you'll need:

  • Checkmark Other - Project Statement; Reference List; Syllabi
  • Checkmark Application Form
  • Checkmark Essay
  • Checkmark Recommendations Or References
  • Checkmark Resume
For more info, please visit our site
Tel: 202-686-4000
Fax: 202-686-4029 Address IIE - 1350 Eye St NW
Washington, DC 20005