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Making good career choices requires looking ahead to society’s needs in the future. As children begin choosing academic programs, it’s important to keep realistic expectations in mind. Parents can provide important information on future career fields that have a high expectation of needing more workers. The aging of the American population and the expansion of healthcare services to more people means that many more workers will be needed to fill positions in the medical field. Here are just 3 of the positions that are expected to be needed in future years.

1 – Medical Laboratory Specialists

A critical area of providing healthcare services is the broad panel of laboratory tests that aid diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Medical laboratory technicians and technologists will be needed to process and analyze the data provided by a growing array of medical tests. Medical laboratories are often connected to hospitals, clinics and other medical institutions, but a number of private corporations also provide laboratory services for physicians in private practice. Students with a detail-oriented personality and a drive toward precision may find academic programs in the medical laboratory sciences one of their more satisfying career choices.

2 – Nurses

Nurses will have to take on a variety of new responsibilities as more healthcare is provided to the general population. The healthcare system will require nursing professionals at a number of levels of training to care for patients at various points of the care process. Online bachelor degrees in nursing programs can prepare individuals to advance their nursing careers in order to be ready to fill the growing need for medical services.

3 – Health Services Managers

Another field that has an expectation for employment growth is in health service management. The hospitals and clinics that serve the medical needs of the community will require administrative professionals that can plan, organize and coordinate multiple healthcare areas. Knowledge of the healthcare system and how it functions will be critical in providing effective and cost-efficient care to the population.

Helping children with their is not always easy. The changing needs of the society can have a significant bearing on whether the jobs will be available in their chosen field. However, these 3 areas are clearly on track for expanded need in the near future. Students that gear their studies toward these areas will have an advantage in the employment marketplace.

Emma is a freelance writer currently living in Boston, MA. She writes most often on education and business. To see more from Emma, say hi on Twitter @EmmaSturgis2 or Facebook.

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