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Being intuitive, comforting others, resolving issues, and treating others with emotional intelligence is a major part of being able to work in the field of social work. However, developing academically by achieving a master’s degree or Ph.D. in social work will give you the necessary professional edge to succeed in this growing field.

Search for Social Work Grad Schools

When looking at M.S.W. programs, consider which schools feature timely social work courses and specializations that will help you once you graduate with your degree. Some examples include clinical social work, gender and race issues, cross-cultural social work, school social work, mental health, and many more.

You should also make sure that the M.S.W. programs you consider provide opportunities for field education. This hands-on training will be a critical aspect to your social work education since your potential career post-graduation will require you to do this type of interpersonal work.

Be sure to browse through our featured colleges list and consider contacting admissions at the social work grad schools you like. Some grad schools offer online programs in social work, including:
