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Earning college credit before you get to college can be well worth the effort it takes to prepare for the exams.

AP Exam Practice Tests
Not only can good AP scores catch the eye of a busy admission officer, but they can also earn you college credit before you even get there. The best way to find out if you’re ready for your test is to practice with test-like material. Take 2 online, full-length practice tests in a variety of AP subjects.

CLEP Exam Practice Tests
You can earn college credit for by successfully showing what you know on CLEP exams. Get to know your test before you take it with 3 full-length, online practice tests in a variety of subjects, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and focus your study time where you need it.

DSST Exam Practice Tests
The Dantes Subject Standardized Test (DSST) program provides the opportunity for people to earn college credit for what they have learned outside of the traditional classroom. Accepted or administered at over 1,900 colleges and universities nationwide and approved by ACE (American Council on Education), the Dantes Subject Standardized Test program enables people to use their knowledge acquired outside the classroom to accomplish their educational and professional goals.