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A degree in classical studies gives you a well-rounded education in ancient philosophy, history, archeology and literature, particularly Roman and Greek. Many students use this degree as a jumping-off point toward other degrees.

Classical studies are a great foundation for many of the humanities; such as history, geography, political science and anthropology. There is an advantage to beginning your educational career with a history of ancient civilization. A student of classical studies is often surprised how apt the saying “there is nothing new under the sun” really is. Students find that the main religious, philosophical, and political questions and problems that exist in the world today are the very same questions and problems that occupied the attention of scholars of antiquity. Much of what you learn about the ancient world can be applied in the modern one.

Types of Classical Studies degrees:

A student can get a general degree in classical studies that provides an overview of the field, or they can choose more specialized degree programs. You can choose classical studies programs such as Latin, Greek, ancient history, philosophy, and religion.

Typical Classes:

Like any other undergraduate program, you’ll take some general education courses in English, math, history, and science. As a part of your degree programs, you’ll take classes in language, particularly Latin and Greek. You will take courses in Greek and Roman literature, history, religion and philosophy. You’ll take classes relating to logic, rhetoric, and politics.

How much Education Will You Need?

A bachelor’s degree in classical studies is often just the beginning. Students who want to become teachers in primary school will continue on to get a teaching degree. Students who get graduate degrees can often become researchers and college professors.

Many students take their undergraduate degree in classical studies and move on to get a graduate degree in fields such as political science, anthropology, archaeology, geography, and history. Degrees such as these apply and focus what you learned as a classical studies major.

Finding the Right School

There are many different things to consider when choosing a school that fits your needs. There are both objective and subjective aspects of your college search. The objective aspects include the quality of the degree programs offered, the cost of attendance and the reputation of the school and the specific degree program you are taking.

The quality of the degree program and the reputation of the school are fairly easily determined with research. Luckily there are many quality schools that provide great humanities programs. The cost of attendance might be a little more complicated. It requires working with your prospective schools to determine the total cost (tuition, books, and living expenses) and the total grants and scholarships you can expect to help offset those costs.

Subjective aspects of your decision are often more difficult to determine. They are related to your expectations of your college experience. What locations are you interested in? When you visit the school, does it feel right? Is it a place where you can picture yourself? Do you like the professors, administrators and students you met during your visit? Does the school offer extra-curricular activities that interest you? These questions are often answered during the college visit – which is why it is important to make every attempt to visit the finalists on your college list.
