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Higher Education Day is dedicated to giving students the information and tools to prepare for a higher education degree. According to the National Higher Education website, without proper preparation and resources, more than 50% of first-time college students will finish their degree in six years. Higher Education Day’s mission is focused on addressing issues head on to help increase student’s chances of graduating with a degree.

Take a look at some common topics and issues Higher Education Day addresses and how you can tackle them:

With the increasing costs of higher education, Higher Education Day encourages prospective college students, families, and educators to directly face this growing issue by educating them on the importance of financial planning. Read our article on how to fund your tuition responsibly

Mental Health
Many students are not prepared for change and the stressors that may come with academic life. Higher Education Day helps guide students towards services and resources that can help them overcome the stress and burnout they may face in college. Read one of our blogs that covers 3 simple ways to manage stress in a college environment.

Not Being Prepared
While pursuing a higher education degree may set individuals up for a prosperous and successful future, it can take a lot of hard work and balance that students might not be prepared for. National Higher Education Day can point students in the direction of finding services that might help ease their workload.

An Unclear Path
Determining what your career goals are will help you avoid switching your major while you’re going to school. Switching majors may lead to paying for unnecessary courses and may prolong your graduation date. We have several different articles on choosing a career path. If you’re just starting to consider which career you should pursue, you can read our article on choosing a career path that aligns with your personality type.

Becoming well-informed and prepared prior to pursuing your higher education may help reduce some of the stressors that might come along with it. You can visit the National Higher Education Day website for more information and resources. Peterson’s blog and YouTube channel has several articles and videos on college funding, career planning, and stress management to help you navigate through your higher education process.
