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Going to college can seem scary and confusing. Just when you think you’ve figured out the direction of your life, something new comes along leaving you unsure and more confused than before. You can help avoid this by taking a few easy steps ahead of time.

Start with an Interest Survey

An interest survey is probably the quickest way to get a general idea of career paths you may be suited for. There are plenty of surveys and career assessment tests that you can find online, and they are great at providing insight you may not have realized about yourself. Most surveys as about personal interests, hobbies, and specific activities that you enjoy doing. They may ask you to rate your level of interest in a particular group of subjects or scenarios.

Explore Your Strengths

Some people are born ready to work with the public, while others are more suited for working behind the scenes to accomplish tasks. Perhaps you have skill in keeping people calm under pressure or in figuring out the intricate ways that machinery works. It may also help to look at the groups you participated in during high school or the summer jobs you’ve held.

Experience Is Important

If you think you may have narrowed down your options, look for some sort of internship or part-time job in the industry to get a feel for how things work. Check into opportunities to volunteer your time in order to gauge your ability to make that type of work a long-term career. Perhaps you have friends or family that you can talk to with a similar job title. Lastly, do your research to make sure you aren’t entering into a dying career field.

Above All Be Flexible

According to The New York Times, this is something that should apply regardless of what path you choose. Simply deciding on a career path does not set the rest of your life in stone, and it’s OK to have to tweak it at some point down the road. The most important part is getting started, and the rest will follow.

Going away to college can be an intimidating choice, as can deciding what career you want for the rest of your life. However, these things don’t have to be nearly as terrifying as what they may seem to be at first. Take the process slow and one step at a time and you will be well on your way to a satisfying career in no time.

