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On this week’s episode

  • On this week’s episode of You Have a Cool Job, we talk to Eleanor Allen, CEO of Water for People. Water for People works to bring safe drinking water and sanitation to South America, India, and East Africa. Eleanor discusses how the company works with local governments to create a sustainable system.
  • Eleanor left her corporate engineering job three years ago to switch to nonprofit with Water for People. She talked about the rewarding aspects of her job by giving examples of human impact.
  • With an extensive background in both sustainable engineering and business, Eleanor translates her wealth of knowledge into her position as CEO.
  • Eleanor is particularly passionate about opportunities for women and girls, who are more directly involved with water in these countries. She works to help these women and girls gain leadership positions in their communities, as she has experience working in a field historically dominated by men.
  • Today’s show is sponsored by PathwayU, the science behind education and careers that fit. PathwayU is the online platform anyone can use for guidance on education pathways, career options and job choice decisions. The first 2,000 Peterson’s listeners will receive a free assessment by visiting petersons.pathwayu.com.

About the show

You Have a Cool Job is a podcast hosted by Taylor Sienkiewicz from Peterson’s. The show highlights professionals who have a unique, interesting, uncommon, or otherwise cool job.

Our goal is to motivate you and show how interesting, fulfilling, and anything-but-average your career can be, and we’ll do this by talking with people who took a path less traveled. We ask these fascinating individuals how they got to where they are in their career based on their education, experience, and influences;  why they love their job; and lots more.

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Learn more about Eleanor’s work here.

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Photo courtesy of Water for People on Facebook.