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A professional neuroscience society, association, or organization can provide a wealth of great resources to a current neuroscientist or a student looking to enter the field. Scientists and students can make connections that may lead to job, research, or education opportunities and stay informed about the latest advances and news in the neuroscience field.

Joining a Neuroscience Society


Society for Neuroscience (SfN)

The SfN is the world’s largest organization of neuroscientists and physicians devoted to advancing understanding of the brain and nervous system.

An important part of SfN’s mission is to provide professional development activities, information, and educational resources for neuroscientists at all stages of their careers, including undergraduates, graduates, and postdoctoral fellows.

SfN’s annual, 5-day Neuroscience forums for researchers and neuroscientists regularly draw over 30,000 attendees from around the world. SfN membership benefits include access to the Society’s vast resources, including the forums, free online subscriptions to noted publications, and access to an online career service center.

Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS)

This society is an example of a relatively new professional organization that is devoted to the specialty of cognitive neuroscience. The CNS is committed to the development of mind and brain research aimed at studying the psychological, computational, and neuroscientific bases of cognition.

The CNS brings its members the latest brain research and dialogues to facilitate public, professional, and scientific discourse. Student benefits include monthly newsletters, discounts on the society’s journal, and access to conferences, workshops, and job openings.

Joining a Neuroscience Association


American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

The AAN is an international professional neuroscience association of more than 21,000 neurologists, neuroscientists, and neuroscience professionals dedicated to providing the best possible care for patients with neurological disorders.

Student membership benefits include free subscriptions to certain AAN publications, as well as access to the academy’s Annual Virtual Conference, continuing medical education and professional education opportunities, digital resource library, and workshops.

American Neurological Association (ANA)

This neuroscience association is a professional society of academic neurologists and neuroscientists devoted to advancing the goals of academic neurology, training and educating neurologists and other physicians in the neurological sciences, and expanding understanding of nervous system diseases and the ability to treat them.

The ANA website includes information and resources specifically for students, residents and fellows: neuroscience links, access to a membership directory, and academic job postings.

More Resources for the Future Neuroscientist


Neurology Professional Associations

This comprehensive online directory provides hundreds of links to national and international neuroscience and brain research associations.

Social Psychology Network

This website, developed by Wesleyan University, has extensive links to neuroscience and psychophysiology websites and laboratories, professional organizations, teaching resources, and online tutorials.