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Becoming certified as a ServSafe Food Manager is a great idea if you’re currently in or thinking about starting a career in the restaurant industry. To become certified, you must pass a ServSafe certification exam. Peterson’s has launched a new ServSafe Food Manager Prep Course that can help people prepare for the ServSafe Food Manager certification exam.

What does it mean to become ServSafe Manager certified?
Becoming certified proves your knowledge of the safety procedures and regulations for managing a restaurant and the responsibilities required to protect customers from food-borne illnesses.

For restaurant employers, having a Certified ServSafe professional can increase their establishment’s reputation and could even help reduce potential liabilities or fines. For individuals seeking a job within the restaurant industry, becoming certified as a ServSafe Food Manager can lead to more job opportunities as employers often view the certification as a valuable asset to their organization.

How Peterson’s ServSafe Food Manager Prep Course Can Help
Peterson’s new ServSafe Food Manager Safety Course will help managers, supervisors, chefs, kitchen managers, owners, and/or operators within the restaurant industry understand the importance, regulations, and responsibilities of food safety so they can go into their certification exam with confidence. 

Simple steps to become certified

  1. Check your state and local requirements
  2. Select the training and exam that fits your needs
  3. Sign up for either classroom training/exam or online training/exam and complete the training program
  4. Take the exam
  5. Pass the exam and receive your food safety certification.

For more in-depth information on how to get your ServSafe certification, visit the ServSafe website.