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Choosing which college or university to attend is a significant decision. It can seem overwhelming to decide where to go to school or which program you want to pursue. Peterson’s provides you with the tools and resources you need to choose from over 35,000 accredited schools and programs in our database, while also helping you narrow down and simplify your options to find your perfect fit. 

Our college search tool enables you to explore schools by college name, major, location, and other keywords. You can filter search results quickly by school type (2-year or 4-year), admission difficulty, school size, setting (urban, suburban, rural, or small town), cost of tuition, GPA requirements, and ACT or SAT scores. 

Unsure of where to begin? Our College Discovery Center provides lists of colleges specializing in art and design, business, education, health and nursing, liberal arts, science and technology, as well as accelerated and online programs, and schools that are military-friendly, parent-friendly, and transfer-friendly.

Similarly, for those looking to attend graduate school, we also have you covered! Our grad school search tool equips you with the resources you need to find your ideal school based on major, degree type, cost of tuition, school size, and setting. 

Our Graduate School Discovery Center features a list of leading law schools, computer science schools, engineering schools, education schools, healthcare schools, and MBA programs

With over 50 years of experience in providing comprehensive school data, we have guided millions of students in discovering the best school and educational program to suit their needs. 

Once you find schools that match your interests, you can create a profile and save them to your personal dashboard. Connect directly with your schools of interest by requesting more information with one click of a button! It doesn’t get easier than that.

RELATED: Considerations for Choosing the Right College for You

For more information about your school search and other topics, check out our blog for college or grad school advice and inspiration. 
