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You’ve already earned your degree in social work and the next step to becoming a social worker is passing the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) exam.

The ASWB licensure exams test a social worker’s ability to practice ethically and safely, and are often the last step before you can practice at your desired level. There are four different levels of examination—bachelor’s, master’s, advanced generalist, and clinical. But which exam should you take, and what can you expect on test day?

Watch the video below to learn more about which exam you should take, what questions you can expect, how to prepare for the exam, and more!

If you are preparing for the social worker exam, check out Peterson’s ASWB test prep which includes three, full-length practice tests to help identify your strengths and weaknesses as you prepare for your ASWB. By analyzing your practice test results, you can focus your study time on areas in need of improvement. Get started today!

Related: 4 Ways Social Workers are Making a Difference In Your Community