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When pursuing a career in the military, testing plays a large role in your position and promotions. Those entering the military must start by taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB, but candidates for the U.S. Air Force must also take the Air Force Qualifying Test, or AFOQT. The two tests are similar, but of course, the AFOQT is more specific to flight knowledge, spatial awareness, and other skills and traits desired by the U.S. Air Force.

There are 12 sections and 550 questions on the AFOQT, which is quite a bit of content. So, it’s important to be adequately prepared for the test by knowing what to expect as well as studying and reviewing the content. This infographic shares ten things you need to know about the AFOQT in order to understand the test and be well equipped to study.

For Peterson’s AFOQT test prep resources, click here.