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Getting a part time job while you are going to college can be a great idea if you need to make some extra money. It is important that when you are looking for a job that you keep some things in mind so that your work doesn’t get in the way of your studies. When you are in college, your primary goal is to get good grades in all of your classes, but there is nothing wrong with gaining some valuable work experience.

Writing your resume

When you are applying for any job, you will need to have a resume. A resume gives employers a snapshot of your experience working for someone else, whether that be another job or volunteering.

Your resume is something you want to spend some time on. You should research online how to put together a resume, but in general you will want to limit it to one page, include accolades, goals, relevant experience academically or otherwise, and of course, work experience if you have any. Ask your parents and mentors to look your resume over and give you feedback.


Interviews can be tricky, especially if you haven’t ever done one before. Look online for the most popular interview questions, and prepare answers for each one of them. You don’t want to recite your answers from memory, but you do want to have a good idea of how to answer each of the questions. Quite often they are questions you haven’t ever thought about before, and some can be fairly person. Interviewers don’t necessarily care about the answer, but rather want to see how you answer.

After you have written down answers to some interview questions, ask your friends and family to practice reciting these answers naturally. Also, you will want to be sure that you dress up for your interview, which will depend on what you are interviewing for.


After applying, be sure that you follow up with then within a week to make sure they received your application and don’t have any questions. You don’t want to bother them by calling too often, but following up after you’ve submitted your application or after an interview is good practice and shows initiative.

First job?

If this is your first job, don’t sweat it. We all have to start somewhere. A little preparation will go a long way, so be sure you know what you’re getting into.

Needs to be flexible for school

When you are looking for a job, make sure that you find one that will give you a flexible enough schedule so that you have enough time to finish your homework and be on time for your classes. When you are able to speak with your employer, be up front and let them know your situation.

Work study

Another option for students in college is to check with your school to see if there are work study opportunities or jobs on campus. This is almost always the best way to work while going to school, especially if you are living on campus. Plus, there are many ways for you to get work experience that is relevant to your field of study on campus.

Helping others and volunteering

If you don’t need a job for the money and just want to build your resume, consider helping others by volunteering for organizations on campus and in your community. After you graduate from college, your resume will look great to graduate schools and other employers with volunteer work.

