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Navigating the world of college admission exams such as the ACT® can be daunting. As a student or a parent of a student getting ready to take the ACT test, you may be overwhelmed by the wide range of advice on how best to prepare. Hundreds of private preparation courses exist, some including one-on-one tutoring. The cost for these private ACT prep courses and tutoring can range anywhere from $70 to over $3,000. When faced with such a price range, questions automatically arise about the actual value and effectiveness of these courses. Are they worth the price? What cost is reasonable, and how much is too much to pay? Will these courses actually help improve my score?

Private Prep Courses

Unfortunately, no definitive answers exist for these questions. Companies that offer private prep courses or tutoring often have testimonials of students whose scores were high, or where a student’s scores improved over previous tests after taking the course.

Often the choice of whether or not to take a private prep course for the ACT is decided based upon an individual student, and his or her learning style. Some students require more one-on-one or more in-depth study in order to prepare for tests. Some don’t.

Other Options

It is important to remember that the test itself is relatively inexpensive and that the test can be taken more than once. Once you receive your scores you will know if you are satisfied or if you need to proceed with further prep.

One good and inexpensive option is to purchase a prep guide from a reputable company. If, after using the study guide and even taking the actual ACT, you still feel that you need additional help in preparation, then perhaps you should consider a private course.

Get the best score on the ACT: See practice testssample questions, and the ACT Prep Guide