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EducationUSA actively promotes U.S. higher education around the world by offering accurate, unbiased, and comprehensive information about educational institutions in the United States and guidance on how best to access those opportunities.

Undergraduate Studies in the United States

University Search: Search a comprehensive database of information on nearly 4,000 accredited two-year and four-year colleges and universities across the U.S. Use a variety of search criteria to find your perfect match: name, location, major, tuition, and more.

In addition, you’ll have access to helpful resources regarding standardized testing (SAT, ACT, TOEFL), applications and application essays, student visas, and more.

Graduate Studies in the United States

Graduate School Search: Explore the most comprehensive online graduate school database available today. Nearly 30,000 accredited programs are represented in a wide variety of disciplines, from geophysics to sociology. Search by institution name or field of study.

Our database includes information about a graduate program’s admissions requirements, financial aid opportunities, degrees offered, and current research.

Additional resources for students based outside of the U.S.A.

Students from India Indian college students looking to come to one of the colleges in the U.S.A. have plenty of work ahead of them. Taking all the necessary tests, gathering information about colleges and universities…

Students from China More and more Chinese students are coming to study in the U.S.A. every year. Three years ago, there were 10 million students in China who took the college entrance examination, the Gao Kao…
