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You don’t have to be a doctor or a nurse to be a fundamental part of the healthcare industry. Private practices, hospitals and surgery centers are constantly looking for certified medical assistants to help keep their businesses booming, so why not become a part of the action?

Searching for medical assistant programs

You can rest assured that becoming a certified medical assistant will give you plenty of career options. You can earn an associate degree or a diploma through a regular diploma program, all while learning the proper skills to assist a physician in a clinical capacity.   Medical assisting means you can work as a medical assistant, medical secretary, medical insurance billing and coding specialist, or medical office specialist.

Be sure to use our key word search and the list of related schools and programs to explore medical assistant programs that may be right for you.

Try these search options to find a potential degree program:

Medical assistant schools by major metropolitan area:

If you want to consider related opportunities, check out these other career options:

