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Nursing is a fulfilling career sought out by those who have a strong desire to help others. However, there currently aren’t enough nurses out there, and many are inspired to make a career switch to nursing. Making a career change can be intimidating, especially if it involves going back to school as a working professional or parent. Whether nursing is your first career choice, or you’re thinking about transitioning into the medical field as a nurse, Peterson’s has you covered.

But where to begin? There are so many types of nursing careers out there, not to mention an extensive licensing process. And yet, there are many misconceptions about what it takes to become a licensed nurse professional and the flexibility it offers as a career.

We sat down with registered nurse Shay Maunu, who, after making a career change from Advertising to Nursing as a working mother, has the knowledge to point you towards the path of your true passion.

Check out the video below for the full story!

See also: Peterson’s NCLEX test prep resources
