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LSAT test scoring

Your score on the LSAT test is calculated from the number of correct answers you marked, with no deduction for incorrect answers or weighting on specific questions. Your raw score (number of correct answers) is expressed as your overall scaled score, which will be a number from 120 to 180. No subscores are given.

Along with your scaled score, a band of scores is also provided — a range of scores above and below your score. It is highly likely that your “true score” falls somewhere in this range. You will also receive an overall percentile ranking that is based on the distribution of scores over the prior three years.

If you have taken the LSAT test since June 1, 2005, your score report will also show the results of the 12 most-current tests, including cancellations and absences. When you have more than one reportable score, the score report will also show your average score.

If you have created an LSAC.org account, you will automatically receive, by e-mail, your LSAT scores about three weeks after taking the exam. This electronic score report is free for account holders, but a hard-copy of online account information incurs a fee. Test results for LSAT takers without LSAC.org accounts will be mailed about four weeks after each test. Only you and the law schools to which you applied will receive your score information. During registration you may also request that a score report is sent to the prelaw adviser at your undergraduate school.

Additional information about LSAT score reports and the release dates for each test administration’s scores is available from www.lsac.org.

LSAT test dates

Administered four times each year, the LSAT is a half-day standardized test that is part of the admission requirements for most law schools. The test dates and locations are established well in advance, as are various deadlines that you will have to observe. In addition to the test dates, deadlines, and procedures established for the test by the Law School Admission Council (LASC), law schools may have special requirements that you also have to be aware of.

It is strongly advised that you register early for the test. Early registration is your best way to get the date and location you want. Because online registration is done in “real time,” you can immediately see the date and location options that are available to you, but you can also register by mail or telephone. Make your plans carefully. You can, within certain limits, register late or change your test center or test date, but there are fees for doing so. There are no walk-in registrations for the LSAT test.

To find the date of the next available LSAT, view the official website at www.lsac.org.

Except in June, tests are usually administered on Saturdays. With proper arrangements, alternate test dates are available for Saturday Sabbath observers (these being the secondary test dates listed above). For more information on test dates, registration, deadlines, and fees, visit www.lsac.org.

LSAT test locations

The LSAT is administered on many college campuses throughout the country and at locations around the world, but only on four dates each year. Remember that not every test center is used on all testing dates. Also remember that each test center has a maximum capacity on any given date, and your preferred test center may fill up before the deadlines.

If registering online or by telephone, you will be able to make more-informed registration decisions. If you register by mail and your preferred test center locations are full or not available, you will be assigned to the closest available test center. The LSAT admission ticket you receive will reflect the change in test center, and you may have to make changes in your plans. Regardless of how you register for the LSAT test, always check your admission ticket carefully. Go to www.lsac.org for more information on testing sites and LSAT registration.