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College is stressful enough without having to worry about what you are going to do after you get out. Luckily, these timelines will help keep you on track throughout your undergraduate degree, so that you don’t have to stress about taking care of everything when the time comes to apply to graduate school.

College planning timelines for undergraduate students

Prepare for graduate school with these yearly timelines to help you stay on track:

Graduate school planning timeline for adults going back to school

Haven’t been to school in a while? Want to go back and get an advanced degree or certification? Follow this step-by-step guide:

If you are behind on these timelines, it’s OK. These timelines aren’t meant to be added stress to your already busy schedule. Rather, they are guides to help you prepare for obtaining an advanced degree. A lot of the items listed don’t have specific deadlines, though some of them do.

Keep deadlines in mind as you get through your undergraduate degree or start to apply to graduate school. Set reminders on your phone, email, and planner, and know that you are doing all of this to better yourself and further your own career. After all of the hard work is done, you will certainly thank yourself.
