As one of the first high school standardized tests a student takes, the PSAT can set the stage for teenagers’ expectations of themselves and future exams. The test is a critical milestone for expressing academic and college readiness; your students’ confidence on test day often reflects how well-prepared they are. How have you helped prepare and bolster their abilities, contributing to PSAT test day success? As an administrator, you can create an environment that promotes success and belief in oneself, and a little extra PSAT prep can go a long way in supporting your students’ achievements. Give your students the gift of empowerment to craft their destinies with a PSAT prep course by requesting a demo.
A quick author aside:
In high school, I didn’t realize I could prepare for the PSAT test. I thought the score I got was the score I got based on previous academic experiences. I admonish you to allow your students to shine on this test through further preparation and the knowledge of such, perhaps changing their lives forever through scholarship qualification. You probably want your young adults to get the best PSAT prep course possible; we admire and support that desire at Peterson’s.
A Prompt PSAT Overview
The PSAT is a standardized test that 11th graders take to test their reading, writing, and math knowledge. The PSAT/NMSQT test is considered a practice test for the SAT exam. If students score high enough on their PSAT exam, they may be qualified for the National Merit Scholarship Program. Given this, you and your students may wonder, “How to prep for PSAT?”, “Can I use ACT prep for PSAT?”, and “How to get a good score on the PSAT?” An easy way to answer these questions is to provide internal support through a PSAT Prep Course by requesting a demo.
Creating a Supportive School Environment
PSAT prep 2024-2025 can inform your students that there are prep strategies in the future for SAT, ACT, CLT, and any standardized test. Going into test day without preparation is like not providing a lesson plan and scope for your everyday high school test. Students who don’t know what to aim for or how to get there may feel lost and in the dark. Fostering success in your school environment through standardized tests may mean reducing test anxiety by framing the PSAT as another learning experience. Like any learning experience, provide structure and resources to help them succeed, such as PSAT prep online.
Structured Preparation Strategies
PSAT practice exams and simulated testing will help students anticipate what questions they may encounter on the exam and familiarize them with the test format. You can find a diagnostic test and three full-length PSAT practice exams within Peterson’s PSAT course, which allow them to mimic test day, uncover strengths, and supercharge growth in weak areas. They will also boost time management and strategy skills, improve through detailed answer explanations, and make every study session a step closer to qualifying for the National Merit Scholarship Program. Below are other PSAT prep course inclusions:
- Flashcard Sets—to test students’ knowledge of key terms, concepts, and definitions.
- Video Lessons—to explain information and solidify concepts while giving students an immersive experience.
- Interactive Exercises—to help sharpen students’ cognitive ability to obtain, analyze, and apply information.
- Detailed Answer Explanations—to guide learning, make their study efforts more impactful, and lead them closer to their best score.
- Test-Taking Tips—to help pass their exams and achieve their goals with study materials packed with free study tips.
Collaborating with teachers to include pre-prepared PSAT prep questions and skills in classroom activities can offer a unique advantage of support within the classroom environment. Through our platform, teachers can also track the progress of individual students within Peterson’s course. Including PSAT practice prep can lead to natural classroom discussions on the best way to study for the PSAT, fostering community around this test and beyond.
Promoting Equity in Preparation
Ensure all students have access to PSAT practice. Provide online resources like PSAT online test prep for remote or at-home study and supply access to prep for those who may not have devices at home. As an administrator, you can address gaps within education by making sure all students have access to personalized PSAT prep questions and practice PSATs.
Day-of-Test Best Practices
Coordinate logistics to ensure a smooth testing experience. Remind students about materials and tips to improve focus, such as those available in our online PSAT prep.
Post-Test Follow-Up
Help students interpret score reports and explain how this testing experience can lead to a better one next time. If your students desire a better score, discuss how PSAT practice exams can prepare them for the SAT. Also, inform students of options to prepare for the SAT, ACT, CLT, and more standardized tests, conquering the next exam on their radar. Remember to celebrate your students’ efforts and provide feedback for improvement.
As an administrator, you have the unique opportunity to create an effective PSAT prep environment—giving your students the confidence they need for PSAT test day and beyond. Support your students in cultivating a positive testing experience and set the stage for each subsequent standardized test with ongoing support. Engaging in the best PSAT test prep practices makes a difference in your students’ world and school environment. Practice makes perfect; exposure to standardized testing is a tool for long-term success on the PSAT and beyond. Request a demo today for PSAT prep!