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How easy was the process to sign up for Peterson’s scholarship?
Signing up for the scholarship took mere seconds it was pretty simple. 

What school are you looking to attend or currently attending?
I am currently attending Southern New Hampshire University. I am taking online classes.

In what area are you looking to study?
I am currently obtaining a degree in Creative Writing.

What would you like to do with your degree? What are your goals in this profession?
I would like to go into Advertising or Marketing as a copywriter.

What has been the best part of this scholarship experience?
The best part of this scholarship experience was receiving the email stating that I was a potential winner on my birthday.

What advice do you have for others getting ready to start college?
I would advise starting early to look for scholarships. The Peterson’s scholarship makes that easy because you can be as young as 15 years of age to receive it.

That’s it, thanks again Latonya.