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Many mothers these days are seeking a way out of their traditional roles in order to do something that fulfills their goals. For many, this includes going to college to get a degree. Mothers face many more challenges than the average 18-year-old faces at college, and for this reason, they are truly heroes.

They Balance Parenting and School

An 18 year old who has just left high school to go to college has plenty of time to work on getting good grades. However, mothers attending college have to delineate their time to make room for a multitude of relationships as well as to deal with all the household tasks that go along with parenting. They must often work their classes around their children’s school hours and extracurricular activities.

They Often Do It Alone

While it is stressful to work college classes around other peoples’ schedules, it is even more difficult when the mother must do it alone. There are numerous single mothers attending college these days. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 26% of undergraduate students are parents, 71% of these are mothers and 43% of these are single mothers.

They Are Not Scared to Learn Something New

Mothers attending college are definitely people whom their children can look up to for guidance. They prove that it is worthwhile to try something difficult, to put oneself out for a few years to reach a greater goal and to achieve more with their lives than they previously had.

They Are Earning Advanced Degrees

The need for advanced degrees in the United States is expected to increase significantly by 2025 according to Huffington Post. Many mothers who already earned baccalaureate degrees are going back to school for master’s or doctorate degrees. These women earn significantly more than their baccalaureate counterparts do. For example, an online master of nursing can set women up to be nurse managers and educators.

Not only do mothers attending college have to worry about their grades, but also they must ensure that their children continue to receive the attention that they need. Additionally, some of these mothers hold down jobs, stretching themselves thin. However, most mothers find that attending college does pay off for them in greater career fulfillment, increased wages and better quality and satisfaction of life. For following their dreams and improving their lives, they are truly heroes.

About the author: Anica is a professional content and copywriter from San Francisco, California. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here. Anica is a writer for Ohio University, which offers a range of degrees including an online master’s in athletic administration.

All views and opinions of guest authors are theirs alone and are not representative of the views of Petersons.com.
