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Starting a career doesn’t mean you have to settle down. Frequent travel is becoming an occupational feature for professionals in a variety of industries. As private companies and public organizations continue to expand their reach on a global scale, there are many different types occupations that require travel on a regular basis. Individuals who crave an on-the-go lifestyle with plenty of opportunities to check out new destinations should consider one of these 3 degrees to prepare themselves for their dream job.


Diplomatic Studies

Virtually all nations on the planet employ numerous diplomatic staff to maintain relationships with other countries and international organizations, but there is also a rising demand for the skill-set in the private sector. Students of diplomatic studies often focus on a particular aspect of their field as they advance their degree, like international commerce, issues regarding terrorism or cyber diplomacy. Students who are interested in a career in diplomacy should also consider learning one or more foreign languages to establish niche expertise. Schools like Norwich University offer advanced degrees to students, including a diplomacy degree with several specialization options.

Accounting And Business Management

The language of finance and business is spoken around the globe. Companies frequently span national borders to take advantage of new markets and grow their enterprise even more. Businesses need educated financial professionals to study and connect with suppliers, potential acquisitions and other entities associated with their employer. Public accounts employed by regulatory or other government agencies can also find themselves on the road frequently. They may travel to different locations to conduct thorough reviews and audits of a particularly organization, which requires access to physical files. Business management consultants also spend a lot of time on the road, since they usually work on temporary contracts with a number of different companies.

Journalism And Public Relations

Whether you work for the media or with them, there are many positions that involve travel to a wide range of destinations. Journalists may spend months or years in other countries reporting on diplomatic developments or an emerging news story in the region. Professionals who bend their career towards public relations may also find themselves traveling to manage events, connect with media influencers and perform other essential responsibilities for their clients. Individuals interested in this career may pursue a degree in journalism, public relations or similar communications program.

If you want travel to be a part of your professional life, then there are plenty of options to consider. While there will certainly be opportunities to enjoy fresh scenery and exciting destinations, these careers are also demanding and can be stressful from time to time. A career on the road is not for everyone and can have a negative impact on family life, so it’s a good idea to discuss this decision with loved ones before launching off on a new adventure.

Emma is a freelance writer currently living in Boston, MA. She writes most often on education and business. To see more from Emma, say hi on Twitter @EmmaSturgis2 or Facebook.

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