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The ACT® writing test gives you several options when making a decision about your writing, so we’ve put together this list of prompts. Created especially for you, these writing essay prompts are a great way to practice for the ACT writing test. Each has three perspectives for you to choose from when making your choice.

Print Media

This essay prompt gives you three perspectives on the digital age and its effect on print media.

The Arts in Public Education

Are the arts a necessary thing in public education or are they not worth the time and money needed?

Housing Costs

Is the price of housing affected by wages or is it a product of the free market? The three prompts in this article allow you to make your argument.


Three perspectives on the rise of telecommuting in the Internet age are given in this ACT writing essay prompt.

Web-Based Streaming Video

Is the rise of popular streaming services a detriment to traditional media, is it encouraging flexibility, or is it a flash in the pan?


The three perspectives on GMOs in this article run the gamut from pro to con. Write an essay on one and make your case.

Net Neutrality

Should the internet be regulated or should ISPs be allowed to prioritize? These are just two of the three prompts you’ll find in this essay sample.

School Start Times

Three ACT writing prompts are given here, ranging from an earlier to a later school start time to gradually later. Your essay should reflect one of these three perspectives.

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