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1. Be concise

Clear and concise writing is the key to effective MBA Admission Essays. The pace of business is rapid: the value of embellishment and hyperbole in your MBA admission packet is limited.

2. Use outlines, especially for multiple-essay MBA packets

One of the most challenging aspects of developing an effective MBA essay packet is the need to provide different material in up to six essays.  Without outlines, repetitive sequences can take over.  Take the time to develop an outline for each MBA admission essay.

3. Think of your MBA essay as an “evidence-based” document

This means providing specifics of time and setting, along with formal positions and project titles, in the passages of your essay for MBA admission in which you are describing what you offer the program. If you are leading a team in your essay, be sure to say exactly what the team’s goals were and how you achieved them.

“In my experiences I have led teams in a variety of settings and in the accomplishment of diverse goals; in all of my leadership roles I have demonstrated a results-oriented approach that has been very well-received by top management.”

Beautiful English: zero points.  What did the candidate do in the above passage? The reader has no idea.  Beautiful English that leaves the reader in the dark is your number-one enemy in your MBA essay.

4. Use simple language in your MBA admission essay

Among the countless candidates for MBA admission each year, there are some very talented writers.  These are the candidates, ironically, who most benefit from an EssayEdge editor, since they have yet to realize that their MBA essay packet is a marketing packet and not an academic exercise.  In the MBA essay beautiful writing cannot, alone, do all the work. The MBA essay is not about English. It’s about goals.

5. Offer a specific academic or professional goal

Using a focused goal statement in both the opening and closing sequences is another very constructive approach.  Again, keeping it clear and concise is critical.  Two sentences can usually encapsulate a comprehensive goal statement: the first refers to the short-term goal within five years of program completion, and the second refers to the long-term professional goal.  If you offer these in your introduction you can come back to them in the conclusion, in which you can add what you hope attaining your goal will mean in an industry, sector, or particular setting.

Looking for more direct assistance with your MBA admissions essay? Check out EssayEdge for fast expert level advice!
