Avg. Amount Awarded
November 1 2025
Application Deadline
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What you'll need:
  • Checkmark Application Form
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Minority Doctoral Assistance Loan-For-Service Program


The Minority Doctoral Loan Repayment Assistance Program provides educational loan repayment assistance to eligible faculty employed within New Mexico's public colleges and universities to increase the number of ethnic minorities and women available to teach in which ethnic minorities and women are demonstrably underrepresented in New Mexico's colleges and universities. To be considered for funding, an applicant must have completed a doctoral degree in engineering, physical or life sciences, mathematics and other academic disciplines in which certain ethnic minorities or women are demonstrably underrepresented in the teaching faculty at the public college or university where the applicant is employed. They must be hired by a public post-secondary educational institution in New Mexico for a full time, tenure-track faculty position. Preference shall be given to applicants who have completed a postsecondary degree at Eastern New Mexico University, New Mexico Highlands University, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, New Mexico Military Institute, New Mexico State University, University of New Mexico, and Western New Mexico University. The recipient shall sign a contract agreeing to teach in a full-time faculty position at a public college or university in New Mexico for a minimum of one year for each year a minority doctoral loan repayment assistance grant is awarded. Please visit New Mexico Commission on Higher Education's website for more information.

Amount Details

Low Amount Awarded

Eligibility Requirements

  • CheckmarkMust not be attending high school currently

How to Apply

What you'll need:

  • Checkmark Application Form
For more info, please visit our site
Financial Aid Division
Tel: 800-279-9777 Address 2044 Galisteo Street
Suite 4
Santa Fe, NM 87505-2100